From this page you can read some online historical reference books related to forensic document examination. |
These books are provided as references and in some cases for purely historical interest. Most of these books are very dated. The presence of a book on this list should not necessarily be considered an endorsement of the book's contents by the ASQDE.
Most of the digital book files below, located on the Google Books website, have passed into the public domain as they were written before 1923. |
If you are located in the United States and cannot see the Google books, be sure you are using an updated browser (e.g. Google Chrome or Firefox).
A bibliography appears in the 1929 second edition of Questioned Documents where the author, Albert S. Osborn, critiques a large number of books related to questioned document examination or handwriting in general. |
Read these books online or download a copy
- Strengthening Forensic Science in the United States: A Path Forward (2009)
- Recommendations of the Committee on Identifying the Needs of the Forensic Sciences Community, National Research Council.